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Global Water Crisis

We work with 2 water organizations.  Water to Thrive, which constructs wells and Water 1st, which plumbs water directly into homes.  

Water to Thrive works to bring clean, safe water to those who need it in rural Africa. Ten years. One thousand wells.

Working with our in-country partners, we approach each project request as if it were our first, striving to ensure the long-term success and sustainability of every well we build.



Based on years of monitoring and evaluation, Water1st firmly believes that our greatest impact is achieved when we pipe water to every single household. This allows for each family to have a kitchen faucet, a toilet, and a shower. 

Water to Thrive logo.jpg

international efforts

Water To Thrive

To date we have funded 9 wells in Ethiopia with 3 being fully constructed.


Water To Thrive - a well in Chelia, Ethiopia

3/4 of villagers collecting water are women and children.  Well availability allows communities to spend less time collecting water by walking to nearby rivers and more time earning income for their families or attending school.


Water To Thrive

The lack of clean water too often poses grave health threats to families.  Access to clean water can deeply change lives.


Water 1st - Keraniganj, Bangladesh

Education is a vital role in the water program.  Water 1st's local partner works to increase community members’ awareness of critical hygiene practices, such as frequent handwashing. The primary goal is
to save lives through reducing disease transmission.  Here, a group of women who serve on the individual neighborhood organizations volunteer to promote the program & discuss further ideas for sanitation within their community.

Community Conferance (Keraniganj).jpg

Water 1st

Plumbing in rural Ethiopia.


Water 1st - Dima Jeliwan, Ethiopia

This project's funding allowed Water 1st to connect individual households to the community water supply.  Approximately 100 households were connected to serve an estimated 700 people.


Water 1st - Keraniganj, Bangladesh

Our Tusk Outreach funding supports
Water 1st's local partner in their efforts to achieve 80% water and toilet coverage
in these low-income communities by the
end of 2023.

SMP-121,Subahan,Shuvadda, Keraniganj; .jpg
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